Monday, July 8, 2013

A few months of a lot of busy....

Well hi there! I had made this goal to update the blog once a month.... and then I got busy. How are our lives going? BUSY! But, we continue to move forward. Some exciting things that have happened in the last few months are below:

I (Laura) have graduated from my undergraduate program from New Mexico State University with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. And I got accepted at the University of New Mexico for a Masters of Arts in Secondary Education with Licensure (i.e. becoming a high school teacher). As such, I am having a lot of student teaching coming up! I'll be working with Thomas Freyermuth (a chemistry teacher) at La Cueva High School here in Albuquerque. I'm a little terrified to already be stepping into a classroom even if the first semester is mostly observation. By springtime, I'll be teaching fairly regularly! It makes me nervous.

Find the Laura! :D

Other than that, I found a job for the summer here in Albuquerque working for the city at one of the public pools. No, I'm not a lifeguard. I run on batteries with my pump, and batteries tend to be anti-waterproof. However, I am enjoying cashiering and teaching lessons to young kids about the ages of my nieces (6 months to 3 years) with their parents. They are the cutest things ever. They are always super terrified of the water the first day, but after that, once they get warmed up and start to blow bubble and float in circles and sing songs, they are such a joy to teach. I sometimes get little presents from them like artwork!

Tom also graduated!

Spencer and I have not been doing much for the wedding as we are pretty much done with the wedding planning. All we have left for the most part is wedding doing! We sent out our save the dates in March as a postcard (which I rather liked). Unfortunately, I hear some of the pictures got messed up by the mailing system.... but such is life. I guess people will just have to wait for better pictures by coming to the wedding! We also got ourselves a DJ that plays some live guitar as well as DJ's some music in the ordinary way. I am STOKED to get on that dance floor in 6 months! Everyone who comes to my wedding had best be ready to dance! :) The only other things we need to do is pick some music, figure out the order of our reception/ring ceremony events, talk to a friend about making our wedding cakes, alter my dress/add some gosh darned sleeves, and mail out invites when the time is closer! All in all, it keeps coming together wonderfully.

AND! The most exciting thing that has happened lately is that Spencer and I have found a house! We bought a house in Albuquerque that Spencer will move into in August, and I in December. It is still a big purchase that I think is frightening. But, Spencer and I have plans to be in the 505 for the next decade or so and that was the way the chips fell.

Our new house (via the google maps view)!

I think that's everything! Spencer continues to work hard in paramedic school (due to end in about a month) and still makes time for family. He is doing his last bit of the program, the internship. So, he's out working in the far reaches of the area in fire stations (which he loves). I am really excited for him to be finished so that he can get to having a more regular schedule and sleep enough (hopefully)! I love him very much and we both send love to you all and wish you the best!

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