Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Month of April!

How has life been since our last post? Well, it's been fun!! Skyped with my niece Monica, celebrated Easter with my parents, had Spring Break (just Laura), switched to Ubuntu, painted a cork board, set up my HAM radio, and got 2 new cats!

Monica is SO cute! I love all of my nieces. I have been pretty baby hungry as a result. But it's been fun! Spencer and I have adopted two cats in the meantime. One is named Lenny and she's at least 14 years old. She's white and beautiful and quite the shedder. With her came Missy, a little 3 year old. She is a calico kitty with quite an adventurous spirit. Both of them make sure you spend time petting them and are not afraid to tap your hands until you pet them. I love them already!

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Missy the cat
Easter with my parents was AWESOME! Spencer and I went over to their house on Saturday and celebrated with some non-traditional "gringo tacos" (as my mom calls them). We also dyed hard boiled eggs. Spencer was beyond enthralled with this phenomenon. He couldn't remember the last time he had dyed them. It was so cute. I fell in love with him all over again.

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Lenny the cat.
I had my spring break (APS and UNM were unaligned this year) and I CLEANED and ORGANIZED. That's in all caps to represent the amount of work that occurred. I also read and read and read and read a ton over spring break. And got all of my papers and such done for the rest of the semester. Woooo! Now it just needs to be finished!

I started to put our house in order and picked up a few art projects around the house to pretty it up in my usual way. One of these projects was to take two especially boring cork boards and paint them to look gorgeous! I love how they turned out. Next is to get the picture wall of family up by the kitchen table and paint our family crest. Our house is coming together so nice!

I switched to Ubuntu lately from Windows 7.... I just found that it was less frustrating and easier to get things done on. I still think Windows is a better system than Apple.... but this is all just semantics. I will still have to hold onto Windows to keep some of the programs for education and such up and running. And you really can't beat Microsoft Publisher with any other programs on Ubuntu.

I also need to keep the Windows to run all of my HAM radio programs! I've set up a loop antenna. With lots of help with my dad and Spencer. It was so fun! I can't wait to get all of my stuff figured out. Talking to people everywhere.... just really excited!! :D

Well life's been great! Hope your April was amazing too!
Lots of love,
The Leiter's (some of many)

1 comment:

  1. Fellow Linux user! *high five* I'm glad it's working out for you. Let me know if you ever have any more questions. :)

    What alternatives to Microsoft Publisher have you tried?
